This is one of the easiest projects to start with for beginners. In simple banking application you will be coding the simple bank operations like check balance, deposit, withdraw, exit, etc. In this project, you will be learning how to take input from the user using Scanner class, basics about String, how to print in java, variables, if/else statements, methods, loops, etc. This project is the best way to kick start your coding experience in java.

Read Also: Best Java Online Course for Beginnersġ0 Java Projects for Beginners 1. I believe, thinking for the long term i.e practical hands-on coding will help to boost your career. I will advise that you should create the project by yourself.

Students can benefit from below java projects by using it for colleges and universities project submission. If you are starting the journey of learning java and looking for some practical implementation i.e real hands-on coding experience, then below I have compiled a list of java projects that you can look upon. I often get the question from my readers that what are the best java projects for beginners.